
Born in 1978, Madeleine grew up in Belgium in a world where theater, art and music intermingled.

2012-2014   Digital Art, Académie de Boisfort
2010   Ancient oil painting techniques with Jean-Pierre Poidevin
2001   Computer Graphics
2001   Certificate in Pedagogy
2000   B.A. in Illustration, Institut supérieur de St Luc, Brussels
1999-2007   Various painting master classes with Bern Wéry, Jean-Pierre Ransonnet …
1993-1997   The Châtelet Academy of Drawing with Geneviève Devreux
Numerous courses and activities in dramatic arts, music, singing and dance

2024  Paintings ‘Bars in Rotterdam’ in the gallery Westerkadekunst (Rotterdam)
2022  Ferme du biéreau (Louvain-La-Neuve)
2020  Drawings from ‘Walter et les Autres Mondes’; Ambroise Paré Hospital (Mons)
2019   Book launch, ‘Le Voyage du Winnipeg, un exil différent’; Maison de l’Amérique Latine (Brussels)
2019   Drawings from ‘Walter et les Autres Mondes’; CRP Les Marronniers (Tournai) and Feux-Follets Hospital (Fleurus)
2018   Book launch, ‘Walter et les Autres Mondes’; Espace Linière (Brussels)
2016   Book launch, ‘Empathiclown, des Clowns Rencontreurs’; Espace Linière (Brussels)
2014   CD book launch, ‘Le rêve d’Ariane’; Espace Senghor, and Flagey /studio4 (Brussels)
2011   Paintings, ‘30 years of Martinrou Farm’; Ferme de Martinrou (Fleurus)
2011   Sketches and drawings; Charleroi Danse and Eden theatre (Charleroi)
2010   Backstage paintings; Eden Theatre (Charleroi)
2010   Paintings ‘Bistrots Bruxellois’; Atelier 210 theatre (Brussels)
2010   Paintings; Quid Novi Arts Gallery (Brussels)
2009   Frescos; Théâtre de Poche (Brussels)
2005   Paintings from the ‘Festival Mars en Chansons’; Eden theatre (Charleroi)
2004   Paintings ‘Bistrots Bruxellois’; Galerie Michel Vokaer (Brussels)
2004   Paintings; Les Écuries de Waterloo (Waterloo)
2004   Frescos; Festival le Temps des Bourgeons’; Parc à Mitrailles (Court-Saint Etienne)
2003   Frescos; Ferme de Martinrou (Fleurus)
2003   Paintings; Festalvache; (Ittre)
2002   Paintings; Galerie Art Home (Oupeye)
2001   Paintings; ‘20 years of Martinrou Farm’; Ferme de Martinrou (Fleurus)

2022  Insolite Collective; Maison Jaune (Brussels)
2018   Insolite Collective; Maison Jaune (Brussels)
2016   Insolite Collective; Maison Jaune (Brussels)
2015   ‘Legami’; Maga Gallery (Brussels)
2014   Insolite Collective; Maison Jaune (Brussels)
2011   Au Coin Perdu (Rixensart)
2011   ‘Illustory – 40 years of illustration at l’ESA St-Luc’; Seed Factory (Brussels)
2010   Galerie Image2 (Brussels)
2009   Atoutazart Collective; Musée de Comblain-Au-Pont
2008   Artist open house; Village Partenaire (Brussels)
2007   Atoutazart Collective; Maison Pelgrims (Brussels)
2006   Artist open house; Maison Pelgrims (Brussels)
2004   Biennale du carnet de voyage; (Clermont-Ferrand, France)
2004   Médiatine Prize nomination; La Médiatine (Brussels)
2003   ‘Megalopaul’; Galerie Art Home (Oupeye)
2000   Galerie Carpe Diem (Dion-le-Val)

2015-2024  Giving paintings workshops “Peintres du Dimanche” La Tricoterie ( 1060 Brussels)
2004 -2019   Vehicule graphics for the troupe ‘Les Baladins du Miroir’
2017   ‘Walter et les Autres Mondes’ project with the professional clown Denis Bernard
2016   Live sketching of professional clown Denis Bernard
2015-2016   Fresco painting with adolescents
2014   Creation of the Collectif Insolite and the Maison Jaune workshop (Brussels)
2014   Le Mur des Tricoteurs, plastic arts performance for the anniversary of La Tricoterie (Brussels)
2006-2013   Art Psychotherapy teaching; CEC Atelier Côte Cour – St Michel Hospital (Brussels)
Painting workshop and assistant scene decoration for the productions :
La Visite de la Vielle Dame, Friedrich Dürrenmatt (2013); Pantagleize, Michel  de Ghelderode (2012); Knock, ou le Triomphe de la Médecine, Jules Romain (2011); The Cherry Tree, Anton Tchekhov (2010);  La Conquête du Pôle Sud, Manfred Karg (2009); Electra, Sophocles (2008)
Creation of an illustrated theatre journal (www.ateliercotecour.be)
2010   Live sketching for a Theatre and Dance Festival (www.éklapourtous.be)
2007-2008   Painting workshop for the deaf; La Bastide Institute (Namur)
2006   Mural painting at the Feluy Nursery School
2005   Painting classes at St-Jean Hospital, Art Psychotherapy Clinic (Brussels)
2005   Painting performance at ‘Festalvache’, (Ittre)
2004   Vehicule graphics for the troupe ‘Les Baladins du Miroir’
2004   Illustrations and scene painting for the Cancrenote musical duo production of  ‘Du Soleil dans la Tête’
2004   Live painting for 42 concerts of the ‘Mars en Chansons Festival’
2003   Live painting of the ‘Stoemp Caravan’ performers
2002   Illustrations of poems for the musical ‘Les Anges Musiciens’ with  Anne Dewaele and Flora Zoda
2000-2004   Flutist of the ‘Les Fanfoireux’
2000-2024   Workshops for children, adolescents and adults (drawing, painting, illustration, masks, puppets, frescos, illustrated ecological journals…)

2021   ‘Prénoms en goguette’ written by Pascale Hers
2020  ‘Le clown miroir’ written by Yves Brumme and Denis Bernard, (pub. Weyrich)
2019   ‘Le Voyage du Winnipeg, un exil différent’ written by Béatrice Barnes, (pub. Un autre reg’Art)
2018   ‘Walter et les Autres Mondes’ written and co-created with the clown, Denis Bernard
2016   ‘Empathiclown – des clowns rencontreurs’ a collection of sketches of the clown, Denis Bernard
2014   ‘Au Fil des Jours’ an illustrated book on autism spectrum disabilities (pub. University Clinics of St-Luc/UCL/Brussels)
2013   ‘Le Rêve d’Ariane, l’histoire du quatuor à cordes racontée aux enfants’ CD book, narrated by Ariane Rousseau, accompanied by the Quatuor Alfama
2012   ‘Responsabilités, Dominos Dynamiques’ educational report for ATL, (pub. National Office of Childhood, ONE)
2011   ‘Tu m’en Diras Temps’ Cancrenote duo CD jacket illustration
2010   ‘Passage’ a collation of collective works, text and paintings produced in psychiatry workshops, (pub. l’Atelier Côté Cour)
2009   ‘Prendre de la Hauteur’ written by Alain David (pub. Editions Planète Mère)
2007   ‘Coopéraction’ boardgames for young people concerning North/South relations, (pub. Annoncer la Couleur – CTB)
2007   ‘Rêves de Théâtre’, a history of 20th century stage direction, written by Florence Klein, (pub. CDWEJ/ Lansman)
2002   ‘Lettre à un Jeune Fumeur’ written by H-G Hers (pub. Editions Mols)
2000-2024   Various press communications, CD jackets, posters, cultural agendas…